Monday, August 5, 2013

Kingsdown Interational Camping Center/Dover Castle/ White Cliffs/ Walmer Castle

What a busy fun weekend we had!  We chose to try this camping thing out again in the UK.  We had great luck when we were in AZ but since then we had not really camped until Wales and if you read that post, you know that trip was not what we expected at all!

Breakfast Muffins and snacks made

This trip started a bit rocky. We headed out around 9:15 to get gas in base and to pick up some last minute items.  From the base the trip was only supposed to take us about 2 1/2 hours.  We left the base around 10 and arrived at the camping center at around 2:45.  DEFINITELY more than 2 1/2 hours!!! Why??? There was a serious accident that held us up on the M2 just 30 miles from our destination.  So one hour and 50 minutes from the time we were supposed to arrive.... WE FINALLY MADE IT!


Queen Elizabeth II Bridge

Kingsdown International Camping Center

We pulled into the camp center and the view was gorgeous... The Channel was right in front of us and you could see France from the campgrounds.  We were able to get the Girl Scout discount since Paige was a Girl Scout which gave us a serious discount for the weekend.  WOO HOO... Who doesn't like to save some money?  We checked into the Camp and headed to set up camp.


 Mathew found me this rock with the heart on it and told me I had to keep it.  <3

We found a great place to set up.  It was close to the woods and the firepit.  We did not use it and no one else did either which made it nice because I can't imagine them partying late into the night.  We also were close to the path  to the beach.

Once the tents were up, the kids were dying to go to the beach and into the water.  The weather was perfect.  BUT it was too chilly for the adults to get too far into the water!  We watched as the kids jumped in.  They did not have their suits on yet since we just went down to check it out but that did not bother them at all.  They were all soon soaking wet and smiling/shivering!  Paige had a moment that made her a bit uncomfortable and through her straight into the European culture.  A couple little German children headed into the water in their Birthday suits.  I think she was OK with the baby but then when the little girl who was a bit older came in, she was a bit taken back and did not want to return to the water.  CRAZY American kid!  ; ).

After the water the kids dried off a bit and we headed to the cliffs that were next to the campsite.  There was a public walk way and so we took that along the cliffs.  The kids found a Chalk rock and took turns breaking it into smaller pieces.  FUN!!

Once it got dark, we headed back to the campground and settled in for the night.

Dover Castle

The next morning we woke and headed to Dover Castle.  It was about a 5 minute drive through narrow roads and into the narrow entrance to the Castle.  We waited for a bit once we got there for it to open and met some people that were there from Ann Arbor,MI... luckily they were not Football fans because Mat and I both had our Ohio State sweatshirts on!  

Once we got inside the gates, we headed to the underground tunnels.  The hospital was the first stop and then the other war tunnels.  We learned about the Battle of Dunkirk and how the hospitals and military operated during those times.  Our Tour Guide for the Hospital tour was from Cleveland,Ohio... SMALL WORLD!

The Castle had a little thing for the kids to play while walking through the castle.  They were TOP Spies and needed to find clues throughout their trip.  We went from one place to another and saw most of the castle while finding these clues and it kept the kids interested when they started to get tired.  In the end they earned a gold coin chocolate that they each enjoyed.

The White Cliffs of Dover

Once the castle was done we went to see the cliffs.  The Cliffs are right next to the port that we would take to go over to France if we were to take the Ferry.  The cliffs were neat but we did not go to far.  Mat had only brought his flip flops so his feet would not have enjoyed the 2 mile hike to the Lighthouse.  We made it to one of the viewing points, checked out the gift shop and then headed back to camp. The kids were ready to get back in the water and collect rocks again so they were treated to that while the Mom's watched and the Dad's went off fishing.

Back at campsite for the night

Walmer Castle

We planned our last trip to Walmer Castle for Sunday.  We woke up and packed up the vehicles to head back after the visit.  The kids were not thrilled to be going to yet another Castle but when we arrived they each picked up an Audible tour and walked through quietly as they listened along.  They learned things and enjoyed walking around with little fuss!

Once we finished the tour, we headed our and back home.  The trip home went a lot faster than the trip there.  We had a lot of fun on the trip but we were happy to be home.  The kids took off and hid before we finished clearing the truck!!  They have learned that if we can't see them laying around, they will not get yelled at to help...; / What two little pains.  LOL  Now it is time to clean everything and rearrange everything back into their places until the next time!

*** When you see my husband doing push-ups on different objects, it is because he has to make his punishments (10 push-ups per curse word) more entertaining. ***