Saturday, November 9, 2013

School started and Blog got behind!

So the last post was in August and now we are in November.  As you can see, I have obviously been busy!  First things First....

1. I returned back to college.  This time as a Psychology Major at UMUC - University of Maryland University College.... Lot of Universities in there.  I started with 3 courses... 2- 8week classes and 1- 4 week class.  One in class and 2 Online.  I made it through those with little problem though sitting through 3 hours of History on Tuesday and Thursday nights was not the most fun thing to do!  I overly stressed about History and often thought I would never pass the class though test scores showed different.  I am not a fan of history and I do not think I ever will be!  But the professor was good and we learned a lot and I came out with an A.  Intro to research was my 4 week class and that was pretty simple.  Learn how to use the computer to find things online and what things to look for when you are researching.  Good to go... A.  The final class was Intro to Psychology.  I am not sure why my psychology class from UD did not transfer and cover this but it was a good refresher class and a good start to the online system and what professors are looking at getting from students.  Another A... so to start... my first session back to school came to a 4.0.  Happy Me!  Now I am on the second session and three more classes which I have found to be a lot more challenging and more work than the first 5.  Math, Biopsychlogy, and IFSM.

2.  The kiddos started back to school in September.  They are right back at Upwood Primary School.  Mathew is in year 2 and Paige in yr 6.  Mathew has his first male teacher, Mr. Vincent and Paige has Ms. Stroud.  Both seem to be coming along in their learning and continue to thrive in the British school system.  Paige is above many of her classmates in regards to her levels so we are happy with that.. She has always been a bright girl.  Mathew is chugging along and continues to work on his reading and writing.  He loves Maths and spellings and does well with these.  This will probably be the final year for them both to be at Upwood which makes me sad because I do like the school.  But Paige will move up to secondary school and Mathew to Key Stage 2 so since they will be changing things, it is best that we transition them back into American schools before transferring them back to the states.

3.  I became a Key Spouse for the Security Forces Squadron.  What a job that is.  Training first and then keeping up with paperwork and trying to get volunteers to help with different events.  Also I am here to help those spouses whose husband or wife is deployed.

4.  I was asked to be a 3/4th grade CCD teacher.  This does not seem like much but it is a much bigger job that it seems.  Lesson Plans to make and follow and make sure the kids are learning what they need to know for their age level.  Trying to find time to do this as well as time for school and home life has made things chaotic!

5.  Mat put on Master Sergeant!!  He has been waiting for this day and it came this month!  Finally  able to have the rooftop on his sleeves looks nice!  He deserves it.  The kids enjoyed punching him in the arm and pinning on his stripes at the ceremony.  I am glad that we have a little more time left without him having to study.  This year we are going to be more into traveling and seeing place outside of England.

We have not been too many places since school started.  Mat started a new job off of flight and it takes up a lot if not more of his time.  He is settling into the slot there and taking control of things.  He usually finds his place quickly.  We are also moving here soon to a house on base.  This will help with all the traveling Mat is doing as well as set us up for next year and the change over of schools for the kiddos.  I am not looking forward to how small the houses are but I think it will be a relief for me to have everyone on one floor again and a smaller area to clean.  I just hope that having a smaller area does not make it feel like things are never clean because we have less space to place things!  We will see.  I am just ready to move and be done because about a yr and a half later we will be done with our time here and be packing to move back to the states and start all over!