Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 2012

So I guess I should finish my Thankfuls for November since we are almost to Christmas and I have not posted on here to complete the 29th-31st.  So first things first!

29: Thankful for Sunny Skies that we see most days.

30:  Thankful for landlords that are super friendly and easy to call when things need done.

31: Thankful for another day , another month, and almost another year spent completed and spent with some of the most important people in my life!

Ok... so now onto December.

This month has been a busy one!  We started out with a busy to do list and it has just grown.  Christmas presents were arriving from the states from order placed ( Some still have not made it!!),  Mathew's Birthday was right around the corner and plans had to be made for that, the Christmas Fayre at school, the Christmas Play for school, Mat's squadron Christmas party to get ready for, presents to wrap... the list is never ending!

So we started ordering presents from state side in Early November in the hopes that they would get here in time for Christmas.  Mathew's presents were ordered around the same time and the delivery dates were reasonable for them to get here on time.  Yeah... no!  I have found that we will not shop from Sears ever from over here...Joann Fabrics... still waiting on that order of yarn...I would rather send money to someone to personally shop for me and send things over.  If it is going to take a month and a half to get here through the company, it is not worth it.  We usually get packages within 2 week when they travel to us from relatives.    So the Present for Mathew for his birthday was redirected as a present for Christmas to allow 2 more weeks for delivery... and we have yet to get that one.. so Santa had to purchase another on the economy so that he would have it and not be disappointed.

The Christmas Fayre at school was nice. The classes had each made crafts to sell and make money for the school.  Of course Mathew had to have his bracelet he made as well as the keychain.  He did a very good job with the patterns.  Paige just wanted to create the crafts that they had there to do.  So together the kids made a plate as well as a snow globe.  We participated in the raffles as well as drawings and Mathew won himself a small digital camera.  He was excited since he received it the day before his birthday.

The Christmas Fayre was the day we had planned to hold Mathew's Birthday Party.  I had made the invitations and everything for that day and then found out that was the day for the Fayre.  Not to take away anything from the school or his party, we had to change the date until after the new year.  I felt bad because I had a crying kiddo in the car that was very upset he had to wait but I knew that it would be for the best.  So after the Fayre, Mathew had his friend William come over and play and spend the night  with him.  William had got him a nerf tag dart game and they had fun  chasing and trying to shoot the shirt targets each of them had on.  The only problem was  that the darts were shot and easily lost so Mathew was upset quite a bit when one was missing.  We fixed that the next day!
Paige had her rededication to Girl Scouts.  She is now in her 5th year and enjoying being a Junior.  She was a part of the Flag ceremony for Opening as well as the candle lighting and also had a part to read about how GS's begun.  She did a wonderful job!

 For Mathew's birthday, Mat took the day off.  Mathew opened one present from Grandpa before school since I knew it was something we would need to charge for him to play with and the rest we saved for after school.  We took both the kids to school and then spent the day running  around.  We picked up cupcakes for the night and he was able to open his presents which he loved.  I can't believe my little guy is already 6 yrs old!  It just doesn't seem like that much time has past!

The next day two days, the children had the Christmas Play for school.  I LOVE IT! They all did a great job and it was nice to see them keep Christ in Christmas here.  It is definitely something you do not see in America's public schools anymore.  The theme of the play was outerspace ( yes ... aliens and astronauts for Christmas).  The story line was created by the Yr 6 class.  Astronauts crashed on the planet ZORG and meet up with Aliens.  The Aliens do not know why the Astronauts want to get back in time for " this things they call Christmas" so the Astronauts have to show the ZORGONIANS what Christmas is all about.  They turn on a TV program that shows carollers and the nativity scene being brought together.  The discuss why we celebrate Christmas and why it was important to them.  The ZORGONIANS  help the Astronauts get back to Earth in time for Christmas.  Paige Was a Caroller for her class as well as for the reception kids as they created the characters for the nativity scene.  Mathew was one of the aliens and they danced around on the stage in a choreographed scene.
Paige's GS had a Holiday ball that we all attended.  Mathew and Paige both had fun dancing but they had more fun chatting with friends.

Last week was Mat's Squadron Christmas party.  Mat was voted to be Santa so we had to explain to the kids that Dad lost a bet and that is why he was to be Santa at the party.  We also had to explain to them that they could not tell any of the other children who Santa was because it was a secret.  It was nice because I actually was able to get a couple pictures of Paige on "Santa's" lap!!  The party was nice.  But we were there way too late and the kids had school the next day.  They did have fun playing with the other kiddos and Paige said she made some "TEENAGER" friends.  GREAT!!

Both kiddos brought home certificates from school.  Paige earned a Handwriting and Presentation certificate and Mathew brought home a Creativity certificate.  We have been working hard on getting Paige's handwriting together for many years and then we get to the UK and their cursive is different from our cursive so we were back to square one with some of the cursive letters.  She is working very hard to match hers to her British classmates!
This weekend was baking weekend and while the women baked the cookies, the men took the boys fishing. We made 7 or 8 different types of cookies and I still h ave more things to make for tomorrow.  The girls helped to decorate some but they were more interested in playing with each other than being in the kitchen.  The boys came back with 4 fish and they also helped to decorate some of the cookies.  Over all it was a great day but super busy!  I was very surprised that the oven held up and we did not burn any cookies!

We had a couple families over for Christmas Dinner.  Not a huge party like Thanksgiving since that was too much but enough to enjoy company and allow the kiddos to all play.  What is nice is that both families had kids around the same age as each other.  The boys were 5, 6 and 6 and the girls 7,8,9  So they all got along well so the parents can relax and chat!

I hope everyone was able to have a wonderful Christmas and we wish we could have share in this special holiday with everyone.  We miss having family with us at this time of the year but we are grateful to have friends to share with!

And a photo of the month..

Jack Frost's visit lasted a few days and we all enjoyed it looking more wintry here in England!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Update on us: School, Thanksgiving, Birthday, and more

Everything is going as planned here in England.  Things have fallen into a routine and so I guess that means we are settling in well.  School is still going well, the little house has more paint and another bear, Mat turned a year older, and Thanksgiving went off without a hitch.

I am so happy with the way the kids have adapted and are working at school.  Sometimes I find it hard to gauge how they are doing but lately I have seen some of the work they have been doing.  I find it funny that the teachers here do not just teach them lessons in the classroom but are also their PE teachers as well.  The teachers have more planning to do than what they do in the states and still they seem to be all upbeat and cheerful about being in the school everyday.  I have yet to see a teacher that looked grumpy!  I love coming in and seeing a smiling face each day in the morning and again in the afternoon.  It makes me feel like my children are getting a positive learning experience.  The Headteacher is outside some mornings greeting the children by name as we walk in.  The teachers seem to know all the kids even the kids that are not in their year.  I am still learning new things from the kids.  The cursive is different here so Paige is working on getting that correct.  The words they come home with are interesting.  They have taught me more of the language from school with excitement.  Sometimes we get a giggle from it!  The children are all working on the Christmas play.  Mathew worries that he will get nervous in front of everyone but I think once they all start going he will do fine.  Paige is very excited about it.  She had her first Drama lesson in school yesterday and was showing me some of the things that she learned.  I love it!  Mathew made his first 100% on his spelling test plus got his challenge word correct.


The little house's bedroom received a facelift.  It now has a blue wall that is a bit brighter than the living room.  We also have a new friend living out there.  Mat's rug came and now it is displayed on the wall in the dining room.  It took over the whole wall.  It was not the easiest to find a spot for so it was taken from one room to another.  The house is almost complete!

Mat had another Birthday and so now I have an even older husband.  But I'll keep the old Man... He gets better with age.  We went to Bury and picked up some yummy cupcakes.  I also made a cheesecake for him which is his favorite.  We were able to spend the day together which was nice so we did some running around while the kids were in school.  We had dinner at the local pub which was super yummy.

Mathew and I ran our first 5k race with Mat while Paige and the Girl Scouts walked the 1 mile Fun Walk.  Mathew was a crazy runner.  He would sprint and then jog... go up the hill or off the path and back on.. definitely did better than a lot of people could do.. now if only we could get him to stay focused he would be a great distance runner.  I was surprised that he made it all the way though ... I was surprised I made it all the way.  It was a last minute decision and I am glad that I made it but boy was I sore the next day!  That is what I get for not running for a year or so and going out and just doing it!  I do not bounce back like a child anymore...I guess I should know my age and realize it!

Thanksgiving was great.  The kids had school Thursday and Friday which was not easy but they managed and actually did really well!  Mat invited his troops over to the house so they would be able to get together and have some dinner.  We had about 20 people over and lots of food.  I thought with the amount of people the food would be gone but they must have not brought big appetites or we had more than enough food.  We had 2 Turkeys, a ham, 2 pheasants, a rabbit, and venison.  Plus the sides and dessert.  Everyone ate, chatted, the kids did crafts, and stayed busy.  We also had some visitors for the weekend.

Now we are working on Christmas and Mathew's birthday.  It is not easy planning the party.  Mathew wants all his friends from school to come and being new in the school here, I do not know the parents or the children.  Plus with everything going on each weekend until Christmas it makes it hard to try to plan something but for him we need to.  It is hard enough moving but not having any one but us to celebrate with is no fun!  And Christmas... without black friday, I am so far behind!!!  I can't believe it is almost December and I have only a couple things.  Christmas is not as easy as it used to be!  Before the kids did not really care about what they got and did not question things but now we have a 9 yr old that questions everything and a little man that thinks money grows on trees so he wants all the big things!!  Plus the shopping here is ridiculously expensive compared to the prices in the US and you never know with shipping if things will get here on time!

I guess this year we play it by ear and as long as Santa brings the presents they want from here we can have Christmas for a week or so as gifts arrive.

So to catch up on my thankfulness:
14: I am thankful for the ability we have to live in this country, the ability to see everything around here, and to travel.

15: For the friends we have that continue to love us even so far away!  They understand when we are busy and do not chat for weeks at a time but can bring up a conversation whenever we talk.

16: Teachers that have worked with my children before moving to England.  They were prepared for new tasks here in England and had a great base to start with.

17: CRAZY Turkey Trot runs with Mat, Mathew, and Paige.  And wonderful relaxing muddy bike rides!

18: Church and CCD teachers.  They are great teachers for our children.

19:Great teachers that are helping my children adjust to their new learning regiments here in England

20: Friends my children have made while being here.  They seem to have adjusted well making new friends which is not always easy!  It is a good thing they are more like their father and less like their mother!

21: The body I have that allows me to clean the house day after day!
22: For the people who brought us Thanksgiving.  The ones that came to celebrate with us.
23: For the friends that we have made during our military journeys and the times we get together.
24: Ohio State football broadcasted on the internet for us to view!

25: Large Malls an hour away and Sushi for the boys

26: The ability to get my son to sit still for a few minutes before school to test him on his spelling words.  The little things that I would not get to do if I did not have him!
27: A drive by visit from the Big Guy and all the things that bring the Christmas Spirit to us each year!

28: Sitting by the warm fire looking at the Christmas tree and village set up while drinking Coffee!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spare house overhaul and more

So lately we have been working on the spare house... I have been trying to find things for in there to make it more home like for our guests.  I was able to paint the living room ... move furniture from the conservatory into the living area and pick up a table for the dining area.  There is still more to do and it will get there.  I need to paint the bedroom and then set that all up.  The final thing will be to clean the bathroom up and make it smelly good  and looking as good as new!  You can tell that a Man was living in there just by the bathroom.  The kitchen is not too bad.  It probably needs a good wipe down but I do not think that the stove was used ever.  The man that lived there was gone most days morning until night time.

The kids have been doing well.

Last Monday Paige's Girl Scout troop went rock climbing and then this Monday they went Ice Skating.  Poor Mathew is mad that he doesn't get to do any of that.  I had to remind him that this is the first time Paige was able to go and do things like this and she is 9 he is just 5.  He will have plenty of time to do it.  I often have to remind myself that as well.  He will have his experiences.  She needs to have her own without always sharing new things with him.  I think the oldest sometimes gets jipped with things like that!

 Mathew started having Spelling test in school.  All these things are happening at once for him.  It is a lot but he is handling it as well as I can expect him to.  I know that once he gets it he will be right with his classmates and not behind.  It is just stressful trying to get an active kid to sit and force him to do what he really was not ready to.  I am proud of the work he is doing even if it frustrates me to the dickens and back!  On his first spelling test he miss 1 of his 5 words and was close to getting the optional word correct.  His vowel sounds confuse him sometimes, the I and E are the hardest so we are working on that.
He has officially changed his career choice from a Pilot to a Cruise Ship Captain.  He wants to be able to have music and partying on the ship. LOL love him!

Mat's job is crazy... but what is new?  I am just waiting for it all to settle down so we can have fun and enjoy this country and the countries we are so close to.  I said we would not be settled into December.. I think that was a pretty good assessment.

I've been busy cleaning the big house, making sure the kids do their homework, study, eat, sleep.. and get to where they need to go.  I have to say that this house though it is a lot of work, stays cleaner than the others.  It is nice not to have carpet but the hardwood needs to be swept daily.  The dust is crazy and it seems to be the hardest to keep up with.  I have tried to keep a pretty good schedule with the cleaning.  If I didn't then I know it would all fall behind and then I'd be working to catch up for a LONG LONG time!

Thankful November

November 5- Thankful for the right to vote

6-Thankful that our country will move forward. And in another 4 years, we will have the chance to again choose who many be the president.

7- For my kiddos that ask me how my day was when they get off of school.  Nice to hear that after I asked them how their day was.  They surely are caring kiddos as well!

8-Thankful for the ability to stay home and raise my children.  My hubby doesn't ask for much from me and works hard to support us.

9- Thankful that I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy each day.  Many are not as fortunate as we are and for these I am grateful!

10- Today I am thankful for restful days.  Saturdays that do not ask much of us.

11- The men and women who have served and continue to serve the country we love.

12- Thankful for the times I am reminded why I love and married my husband.  We had a great day together going to the gym, shopping, and having lunch together.  It's been a long time since we have been able to do it without guilt.

13- Today I am thankful for Christmas 24... a channel on SKY that reminds us what the holidays are truly about... LOVE AND FAMILY.