Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spare house overhaul and more

So lately we have been working on the spare house... I have been trying to find things for in there to make it more home like for our guests.  I was able to paint the living room ... move furniture from the conservatory into the living area and pick up a table for the dining area.  There is still more to do and it will get there.  I need to paint the bedroom and then set that all up.  The final thing will be to clean the bathroom up and make it smelly good  and looking as good as new!  You can tell that a Man was living in there just by the bathroom.  The kitchen is not too bad.  It probably needs a good wipe down but I do not think that the stove was used ever.  The man that lived there was gone most days morning until night time.

The kids have been doing well.

Last Monday Paige's Girl Scout troop went rock climbing and then this Monday they went Ice Skating.  Poor Mathew is mad that he doesn't get to do any of that.  I had to remind him that this is the first time Paige was able to go and do things like this and she is 9 he is just 5.  He will have plenty of time to do it.  I often have to remind myself that as well.  He will have his experiences.  She needs to have her own without always sharing new things with him.  I think the oldest sometimes gets jipped with things like that!

 Mathew started having Spelling test in school.  All these things are happening at once for him.  It is a lot but he is handling it as well as I can expect him to.  I know that once he gets it he will be right with his classmates and not behind.  It is just stressful trying to get an active kid to sit and force him to do what he really was not ready to.  I am proud of the work he is doing even if it frustrates me to the dickens and back!  On his first spelling test he miss 1 of his 5 words and was close to getting the optional word correct.  His vowel sounds confuse him sometimes, the I and E are the hardest so we are working on that.
He has officially changed his career choice from a Pilot to a Cruise Ship Captain.  He wants to be able to have music and partying on the ship. LOL love him!

Mat's job is crazy... but what is new?  I am just waiting for it all to settle down so we can have fun and enjoy this country and the countries we are so close to.  I said we would not be settled into December.. I think that was a pretty good assessment.

I've been busy cleaning the big house, making sure the kids do their homework, study, eat, sleep.. and get to where they need to go.  I have to say that this house though it is a lot of work, stays cleaner than the others.  It is nice not to have carpet but the hardwood needs to be swept daily.  The dust is crazy and it seems to be the hardest to keep up with.  I have tried to keep a pretty good schedule with the cleaning.  If I didn't then I know it would all fall behind and then I'd be working to catch up for a LONG LONG time!

Thankful November

November 5- Thankful for the right to vote

6-Thankful that our country will move forward. And in another 4 years, we will have the chance to again choose who many be the president.

7- For my kiddos that ask me how my day was when they get off of school.  Nice to hear that after I asked them how their day was.  They surely are caring kiddos as well!

8-Thankful for the ability to stay home and raise my children.  My hubby doesn't ask for much from me and works hard to support us.

9- Thankful that I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy each day.  Many are not as fortunate as we are and for these I am grateful!

10- Today I am thankful for restful days.  Saturdays that do not ask much of us.

11- The men and women who have served and continue to serve the country we love.

12- Thankful for the times I am reminded why I love and married my husband.  We had a great day together going to the gym, shopping, and having lunch together.  It's been a long time since we have been able to do it without guilt.

13- Today I am thankful for Christmas 24... a channel on SKY that reminds us what the holidays are truly about... LOVE AND FAMILY.

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