Friday, November 2, 2012

HALF TERM/Hurricane watch

Friday started Half Term for the kids.  They had a lazy day and stayed in pajamas most of the day.  It is always nice to have a day to relax. We did make it out to grab some pumpkins from Tesco though and that night we carved them in preparation for trick or treating.

Thanks to her troop leader I get some of the Photos!! = )

Saturday was up early for First Aide and Hospital tour and then Trick Or Treat.  Paige's Troop was heading to Lakenheath to do a First Aide class and hospital tour with the Red Cross.  She said that they learned all about blood.  She was also the guinea pig for the epipen.  Her troop leader wanted the girls to be comfortable around it just in case it should happen and she would need it.  Not that the girls would be using it on her but they would not get scared and would understand what it was used for if the time came.  I sent her down the Lakenheath with her leader because Mat found out at the last minute that he had to work.  I am not a long distance driver by any means and to find something to do for Mathew  and I for 5 1/2 hours would be near impossible.  I had to have her to the base by 7am to travel over and then picked her up around 2:50pm.  Trick or Treat was from 4-6 so instead of heading back home for short time we headed to the CAC to get her ready to go.  Mathew was the Red Power Ranger while Paige was Draculaura from Monster High.  We did our 30 minute walk down and around base housing and then left.  It was nice.  They each got a decent amount of candy and it did not take hours.

Sunday was Church and CCD.  Paige Tea Party for Juliette Lowes Birthday.  We woke up and headed to church in the morning, did our Sunday Grocery shopping for the week and then picked the kids up from CCD.  Our Sundays do not change that much.  But today Paige had to be back on base for a Tea Party with Girl Scouts.  I sat and worked on Mathew's blanket while she was in there.  Mat and Mathew stayed home. It was Mat's last day to study before his QC test.  Mathew promised to listen and not get in the way of his studying.  From what I hear he did ok but did need a bit of attention from his daddy every once in a while.  

Monday Mat had his QC and did great.  He received a 98% on it.  He missed 2 questions that he knew but was too busy talking with the guy giving him the test to pay close attention to the choices.  Even I knew the answers when he told me the ones he missed. LOL. Most of the day though, we watched the hurricane coverage.   Hurricane Sandy was wrecking Havoc on NJ and NY.  We were in contact with my sister and everyone else that we knew in the area.  Lots of people lost everything.  They are still assessing the damages.  The Jersey Shore will never be the same.  

Tuesday many were without Power in NJ.  The schools were closed and everyone was stuck in their houses there.  Megan and Chris had regained power but half of the base was still without.  Here it rained on and off and was gloomy and windy most of the day. Mathew made it out of the house to ride his bike for a bit.  Paige (Miss Crafty) was too busy drawing and creating things.  They worked together on making a ship from a box and decorated it in between the rain. 

Wednesday was another lazy day.  It was dark and dreary and the rain came down off and on,  not really pouring but sprinkling.  The kids played upstairs in the play room.  They created more things to play with from the boxes that came out of the Office.  It is nice that they can do this but boy is it messy for us. They have a hard time cleaning up after themselves and so it is mom running behind them telling them to clean up constantly.  We had to run out to get Milk and yoghurt for the house and that was about all we did.  I finished a new Hat from a new pattern as well.  Not too hard but have to work on the gauges for sizing. No one came to trick or treat at our house here in Ramsey.  I am not surprised though since we are a bit off the beaten path for kids.  I was also glad they did not because I was not prepared!!  

Thursday the kids and I tried to spend some time outside.  We road bikes around the house, Paige and Mathew raced, Mathew gave out speeding tickets, we painted sidewalk paint on the ramps and rode bikes over it to see our tracks.  Paige collected rocks.  It is hard to get this girl to go out of the house and do anything other than crafting or collecting.  She is so much like her mother. She would rather be by herself and not be bothered by anyone.  Unfortunately it is not good for her to be cramped up inside all the time so I have to force her out the door when the weather is not horrible.  I can't believe it is ALREADY NOVEMBER!! 

Even though the UK does not celebrate Thanksgiving... Duh... we will be so here it is...

Month of Thanks :  
November 1 - I am thankful for my mother and father who gave me life and taught me to be the person I am today.  They also gave me 3 of the best siblings. Our love in unconditional.  We stand beside each other no matter how far apart we are.  I know I can call them at any time of the day if needed and they will be there to listen.  Love you all!

I will be keeping a log and posting my month of thanks each week with dates included.  = )
November 2nd-8th next time . = )

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