Monday, April 29, 2013

Paige's Girl Scout Troop

    Thanks to the leaders and others that post photos so I can share with everyone back home.

Paige's GS troop has been very busy.  We are constantly doing things and they all seem to enjoy it.  She has a much larger troop here than we are used to but they have it all together and the girls seem to get along well.


 BUNCO night/sleepover

Car Care

Cooking Badge

My Faith / My Promise - Father Theisen blessed the pins for the girls.

Friday, April 26, 2013

A visit to Nene Park in Peterborough and a stop at Longthrope Tower

It was a beautiful day and Mathew had been wanting to go for a bike ride for a long time so we finally found a place to go.  Nene Park in Peterborough is full of paths as well as water.  We road our bikes around the waterways and what we thought was heading back to the starting park of Ferry Meadows where all the recreational thing were. (Instead we road a bit of a long route out into city and residential areas until we found our way back to the park.)  We enjoyed the birds along the way as well as the shaded areas as it was getting a bit warm as we road.  The kids did wonderfully but by the end, everyone was tired!  

 One our way back out, we stopped looked up a place to visit with our English Heritage passes.  This is a small tower that dates back to the 14th century with the artistry.

"Longthorpe Tower displays one of the most complete and important sets of 14th century domestic wall paintings in northern Europe. This varied 'spiritual encyclopaedia' of worldly and religious subjects includes the Wheel of Life, the Nativity and King David." ~English Heritage website

   It is not like many of the places we have visited  It is in the middle of a residential area which made it hard to really see as well as find somewhere to park with the truck.  But we did and we enjoyed walking up to and around the tower and reading the interesting facts.  Mat enjoyed trying the helmet on while we were there.