Saturday, January 5, 2013

Growing Up

Since moving to the UK the kids seems to have started to grow and mature at a faster rate.  I am not sure I am ready for it all.

Paige started a couple months ago asking if I ever had a crush.  Ding Ding... Someone has a crush on a boy! UGH... These little English boys and their little English accents are making my daughter fall for them.  Before moving here she refused to like boys.  She then started to refuse to kiss us good bye at school before taking off to go inside.  ANOTHER UGH!!!!  I did not think I would go through that with her.  I thought Mathew would be the one that would refuse to kiss us first!  Then we had Christmas and the whole Santa thing...And noooowwww... she is desperately wanting to shave her legs.  So I asked her how many girls her age shave their legs in her class and she stated 1.  Plus she wants the little gadget on the infomercial that is called the NONO because it says the hair stays away longer and it is not painful.   I have explained that she needs to be a little older in order to shave her legs and then she wanted to know at what age she is allowed to...I told her a few years and she want not happy with that.  WHY DO KIDS WANT TO GROW UP SO FAST???

Now Mathew, he is a stubborn little guy that thinks the world revolves around him and everyone should do what he wants.  He doesn't understand there are rules and that he has to follow them.  He is so hard headed and strong willed. He thinks that if he does not get his way, that he should pack his bags and live on his own. But in a split second he can be the most loving, caring, sweet boy that wants to do everything in the world for you.  He makes sure prayers are said at dinner and before bed and always has to have his hugs, kisses, butterflies, and noses before he can go to sleep.  He sleeps with his 2 nana bears, his stuffy, his dog, and his red star wars blanket.  When he is missing one he is upset and can not fall asleep until we find it.  He is doing much better with his reading and we are working on memorizing the common words instead of trying to sound them all out.  He now feels that he needs to be paid for everything he does.  He would like to earn enough money to buy a game he wants and so when he picks up his toys or puts his dish in the sink, or even just picks up something from the ground, he thinks he should be paid.  

I love them both to pieces.  I am hoping the new year brings us great things.  I know there are going to be a lot of ups and downs with the plans that have been made for us but we are going to take them in stride and hopefully make it through another year safe and happy!

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