Friday, May 31, 2013

Horseback Riding - Yaxley Riding Centre

I purchased a groupon to take the kids horseback riding.  They were to have a lesson on how to ride the horse and then they had an hour of stable care.

When we got there, the kids were really confused as to what we were doing.  I had HB Yaxley on the calendar so Paige thought that we were going to a birthday party.  Once I told them they were riding horses, Mathew said." No I am not.  I have my drawing pad.  I'm going to draw!" I told him no way that he was going to be riding the horse so he hesitantly went along with it.

Paige on Brambles

 Mathew mounting Snowy

 Walking the horse out... so proud.

 Learning about Stable care

In the end, they both had a great time. They both want to do it again. And they both will not stop talking about getting a horse when we move back to the states.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

CONGRATS Mathew P Butler - MSgt Select

Master Sergeant results came out on Thursday 23 May 2013 and we were very excited to find out that all the hard work Mat put in over the 3 months before testing paid off.  He worked extremely hard to get this rank and we are so proud of him!  He deserves this promotion!  He scored  98.98% higher than the rest in his career field and had the 32nd highest score out of everyone who tested.  

The new stripes that will be sewn on all his uniforms by October/November 2012
This is what he was presented the morning on the 23rd.  Guess who made it... ME... but it totally was not all my idea, I just executed it!

Wearing Dad's stripes proudly!

Preparing for the cookout.  We had a wonderful turn out.  Mat cooked Pork, Chicken, and beef and most of it ended up gone.  The guests brought some of the sides which were devoured and enjoyed!  The party ended with a campfire and late night.  Time goes fast when the sun doesn't set until late!

A Visit to Kirby Hall

Today we went on a visit to Kirby Hall.  This was one of those unplanned visits since the sun was shining and it was not a freezing cold day.  We woke up around 7:30 ate breakfast, made plans, packed our lunches, and headed out.  Kirby Hall is about 45 minutes West from us.  The drive was not bad and when we got there the area was nice.  There was a picnic area with tables to sit at and so the first thing we did was have lunch.  The Peacocks were out in full force and making all kinds of noise.  They definitely wanted some of our yummy lunch!  

 Walking towards the Hall entrance
 The entrance into the front garden

 The Hall
 One of the Peacocks
 They really were not scared of anyone but Paige really wanted to pull it's feather out!
 Headed to have our picnic
 The wall we could see from our picnic table
 On our way to tour the Hall

 Many people decided they would carve their names into this wall


 Wildflowers growing

 My Model for the day.  = )

 One of the many fireplaces you could see was in the hall

 The old clock circle can still be seen and all the details are still intact.

 The gardens
 How they used to build the houses... Bamboo

Such great details can still be on the ceiling

 Our crew for the day... The Butler Family and the Person Family

 Getting hugs from Dad
 A sign in the room that had been torn/ worn away

 The column room
 A huge window where you could look out and see some of the house that was not in ruins

 Garden Statues

 More Peacocks

 After touring the house and walking the grounds it was time for rolling down the hills in the garden area.  The kids had so much fun finding the highest hills to roll down.

 The Girls

 The boys
 The crew
 Picture with the Hall and gardens in the background

One Last view