Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Busy

Things have not slowed down at all.  But I guess that is because we are still settling in.  This weekend was much the same as the others.  RUN RUN RUN RUN.... but that means things have been accomplished.

Thursday, I got our calendars all ready to be filled...
Ready for the message center area!

And Mathew helped to make dinner with me!

Friday, I received a call from the Council (The people that place the children into schools).  The gentleman on the phone apologized for the amount of time it took for them to get a hold of us.  I said it was "okay", being polite, and he said," No, No it's not!"  Well okay then it is not... which I agree.  LOL.  He stated that he was not able to place the kids into the school I had requested but offered them the school down the street about 3 miles away.  Upwood Primary School.  He explained that they could be bussed to the school if needed and that it would be covered by the council.  Then he said if I chose to take them then they would reimburse me for the expense of driving them back and forth.  I told him I would need to research and talk to  Mat about it and we would decide.  He encouraged us to contact the school and make arrangements for a visit.  So tomorrow that is what I get to do.  The school grade is a 2... which is pretty good.  1 being the highest.  I also asked around to people on base who have children there and they like it.  All good signs.

On Friday, the kids and I also made a weather chart for the message area.  
Saturday... sounds of the rainforest at 3:30 am is not my favorite.  But that is what I heard on my Saturday morning. Mat had forgotten to turn off his alarm!!  After that, I was awake and could not sleep.  After twisting and turning in the bed for a half hour I got up and went to the couch with my pillow and blankets.  I searched for a movie to watch for a while and then finally found Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  I was able to fall back to sleep for about a half hour before the kids came down and woke me back up for the morning.  Paige snuggled in and watched the rest of the movie with me.   We got up had some breakfast.. thanks to Mat and the breakfast scramble!  Then we got moving for the day.  We needed to do some running so we went north to Peterborough.  We went to B&Q and Tesco.  Tesco was super busy so half the stuff I wanted to get did not happen.  Then we hit B&Q and picked up some paint and paint supplies to start making this house our own with colors!  We have a huge arrangement of colors!  A green for the entrance... then the kids picked colors for their rooms.. Paige a brighter pink and Mathew a grey... he wanted ORANGE but that did not match his bedroom things at all.  Soooo we chose Orange for his bathroom but I told him we were only going to do one wall in the orange so that it was not too much!  Paige will probably use the entrance green for her bathroom wall.  Mat chose browns for the spare house and a dark blue for the bedroom over there.  We are still deciding on colors for the rest of the house here.  I think we will probably stay pretty natural through the house with colors.  Tans mostly.  I do not want to go too crazy with the main part of the house because once we leave, I do not want the landlords to have to do too much to get it ready for the next people or to get it sold at that point.  I just really need to get rid of the sunshine yellow that is throughout the house!

We finished off the day with one of my favorites!!!!

Today, we went to church.  Then the kids had their first day of Sunday School here in England.  While they were there, Mat and I enjoyed some starbucks coffee and time together.  Headed over to the commissary and picked up a couple things and then headed back to the kiddos.  Both seemed to have had a good time.  We then went to the other Tesco by base.  I needed to get the kids uniforms for school.  No matter which school they go to they will need the basics for uniforms.  The Tesco near us did not have them or atleast, I could not find them within all the craziness of the store and people.  We found a few items but some of them were all sold out in the sizes we needed.  I guess we should have grabbed them when they had a ton of them on the rack!!  We also picked up some other things that we needed while we were there.  Then we headed out to Argos for booster seats... which they were all out of and then over to Halfords to see if they cut keys which they did not but we found some booster seats there. We headed home.  We drove to the school so I could see where it was in case I needed to take the kids there for a visit by myself.  It is not too far from the house but the road to the school curves a lot!  No bike riding for us! After we arrived home the kids and I made cupcakes for dessert, we talked with uncle Rob and Nana and had some yummy dinner and movie.

Overall it was a good weekend.  It just went by too fast!  

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