Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 29- Beautiful Monday

I can't believe we have been here for 4 weeks already.  Well I guess that I can.  We have done a lot in just 4 weeks but some things seem to be standing still!

This morning the sun was beaming through the clouds.  I love morning like that.

I did some laundry, sat down with my coffee, and waited for my kiddos to wake up.  Soon after sitting down with some TV, Mathew comes down the stairs upset that I was up.  We had set his alarm to get up before I did so he could come in and snuggle up with me.  Unfortunately the alarm did not go off and so he did not wake up in time.  So instead of letting him whine, I took myself back to bed for a half hour and snuggled up with my boy.  Then I got up and made some breakfast.  Paige was still sleeping until almost 9am.  I think she must have stayed up late.  She came down and said that she had finished her book.  So that means she was up past bedtime.  I am going to have to set a limit with her.  She has picked a new book to read tonight so I am sure it will be another late night!

After breakfast, I got to work on Paige's uniform for GS.  She has a function on Wednesday and I wanted her to have everything put together.  Unfortunately we are still missing her council ID but we should be getting that soon from a parent that had an extra.

After sewing everything on, it was time to clean up the house.  Sweeping, folding laundry, dishes, dusting, and normal everyday pick up! FUN FUN!

Lunchtime with the kids.

Then Mathew went outside and road his bike while I picked some blackberries from the bushes outside.  Paige stayed in and worked on clothes for her monster high doll.  She has always been a great clothing designer.

I emailed the council today so I am hoping that we hear back about schooling sometime soon.  I would like to know where we are in the process so we can gauge how much longer it will be before they are actually in school.  I know the longer we wait the more nervous Paige gets.  But she now does not want to go to school on base and is happy to hopefully be going off base.  She said that there is not enough people on base and that she sees everyone from church every where we go and that is just a horrible thing.  I told her to get used to it, it is a small base and she did not like that at all!!

More cleaning up and then dinner time.

Tonight it was my night to cook and I had plenty of food to do it with.  But I still have not mastered our big English oven.  The dials are very different than what they are on the one we had in America.  They are numbered 1-9 and each number is a different temperature range.  I had to print off the manual so I could try to use it.  But after an hour of the meat in the oven, it was still not done and everything else was so I took it and threw it onto the grill and finished cooking it up.  Once it was done, it was good.  It just took a little extra love to get it that way.

After dinner was clean up and getting ready for bed.  Paige and Mathew both headed to the showers while Mat and I relaxed and researched vehicles.  We are still looking for an extra vehicle so I can get back and forth and also to help with cutting back on gas usage.  Sometime this week, we might have another car depending on what we can find.

Tomorrow is another day. Lets see what we can get into then.

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