Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 17-21 House and Village Area

Good morning England Fog and Sunrise! 

Day 17

It was a busy day.  Cleaning Bedrooms and playrooms.  Emptying boxes in Conservatory. Finishing the dish packs in the dining room. Dinner.
There was a lot of getting things out of boxes and getting the kids rooms all done. I helped Paige in her room first.  She had done a pretty good job of putting things where they needed to go but she has way too many clothes!  After we got her room situated, Mathew and I went to the play room to organize that.  There are some things that need to be hung on wall but most of it has a spot to go and once the shelves are hung, there will be plenty of room for everything.  I am impressed that we fit all the toys from the basement into that little room.  But hopefully the smaller space will keep the kids cleaning up.

The kids and I had some lunch and then soon after that Mat came home. In hand he had my pear grabber. Nice jester but I NEED A BROOM!  LOL... oh yeah 2 minutes later, he brings in 2 brooms!  OOPPSS... love that man!

Mat had to find all his gear for work and of course all his stuff was packed so we had to go through it all and try to find it.  So from the bedrooms we moved on to the conservatory.  We destroyed the house again opening boxes and trying to find things.  It seems like every box = an hour of work.  We get rid of boxes one by one but then it is dealing with putting the contents of the box away and finding the right rooms for them all.  Going from a basement to having no basement has been a bit harder than we thought but luckily there are enough rooms in this house to take care of not having the basement and maybe this way we will keep things less in storage and more in the rooms.  That is the plan anyhow!

After a day of going through everything, we ended the night with dinner.  Mat wanted to try the local pub in our little village so we headed here.  We were there a bit early.  Dinner starts at 6 there and we were there at about 20 til.  We sat down and waited a bit.  We ordered our drinks and chatted with the waiter.  He knew who we were right away.  Talk about SMALL!  Our Landlord had told him that we would probably be down to check it out sometime and gave him a heads up to look for us.  Lee ( the waiter) was very friendly.  He lives above the pub and works almost daily there.  He talked about the local fishing and areas around here that were good for that.  He chatted a bit about the area with us.  It was nice to have time just to get to know people.  I guess a good reason to arrive before everyone else.  The food was good.  Not seasoned like I would have done it but we all liked it.  Mat had steak, Mathew had Scallops, and Sis and I had Lasagne.   

Day 18

   Still cleaning and putting things away but we were able to get out of the house and get some things that we needed.  It seems like every time we turn around we need something else for the house.  We went to Tesco Extra in Hampton (This place is a mini mall).  It has the big Tesco but also has many other shops inside.  It has an huge infant and maternity store as well as a shoe store and several clothing stores.  It also has kiosks in the center with places to buy items.

After getting what we needed, we headed to dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  The food there was yummy.  Mat tried to order sweet tea and they brought him a kettle of HOT tea and mug.  I laughed so hard.  Mathew ordered chicken Nachos, Paige and Mat had Burritos, and I had soft tacos.

Day 19

Friday... Love Friday!!!   Not really this one other than we are closer to getting the little house.  David, our neighbour in the little house, moves out today and housing comes and gets our temporary beds and couches.  But more of unpacking boxes.  Mat worked again today so the kids and I were in charge of getting more boxes out of the house.  We worked on the study area for the kids and got most of the boxes out of there.. I finished up getting the boxes out of the bedroom and linen closet upstairs.  Mat came home and cooked us some Yummy dinner on the grill, we watched a movie and set off to bed.

Day 20

Saturday was full of moving again.  But this time it was into the little house.  Mat started moving stuff as soon as David dropped off the key.  Once David was out we surveyed the house and decided what needed to be done.  First thing to do was get an air freshener... David smoked in the house and it smelled of it.  You can also see it on the walls and ceilings so we will need to paint it.  Once the Air Freshener was in place it was a lot better!  First all the bedroom stuff went out and got set into place then the futon and then finally alllllllll the hunting and fishing stuff.  This cleared the conservatory and also some of the kitchen since we were overflowing with glasses and coffee mugs.

I cleared out the office and threw boxes and boxes of stuff away.  It was nice to purge what we had not gotten to while trying to clear house in NJ.  But it would have been nice to get rid of it all before the move.  But it is what it is.  I still have a lot to go through as we still have paper that needs to be shredded and filed.  So I am sure more things will go to the trash/ recycle than what we have there now!

Mat also cleared the living area of items. This has been the collection point from the bedrooms upstairs and ours.  Plus all the boxes that had been emptied had ended up there so it was nice to see a cleared off floor and couch for a change.

Day 21

Our first day of Church in England.  We made it to 9:30 mass on Alconbury.  At the alter Father was running through a baptism with a family.  Two of their children were to be baptised into the Catholic Church and neither of them were catholic yet.  They both were going to go through the RCIA program this year.  Mass was good.  Some of it was different from our old church in NJ but they all seem a little different with the way they do their music and which parts they do in latin or english.    The homily was good.  Father did a great job breaking down and analysing the readings which I enjoyed. Both of the kids behaved amazingly!  I was so happy to see this.  Mathew had some questions which I answered quietly at appropriate times but other than that, no fussing happened and it was nice.  After church we found out that they were having the fellowship picnic after Mass.. Score for us.  It was nice because we were able to meet some of the people at the church as well as talk with the priest. On top of that we were fed yummy food so we did not have to go back to the house and make lunch.

Once lunch was over, we headed back and resumed moving stuff from the big house to the little, cleaning up the kids study area and getting ready for the new week.

Interesting things in England:
Yellow street lights                   and           wedge potatoes at McDonalds

Spelling of Dannon on my new favourite yoghurt (spelling of Yogurt itself!) and skinny milk containers

New types of drinks      and           BIGGG beers!

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