Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 22-23 Hello Satellite TV in B&W

Monday, Mat went to work and the kids and I did a little picking up around the house.  We also had a little but of school time here at the house. Then we went fishing with Mat once he came home from work.

Mat woke up and left for work and the kids and I got up around 7.  We had breakfast and then started picking up.  The play room was one of the rooms we started with. It was destroyed from the camp out the kids had planned to have a couple nights ago and they had been sent to up there to clean it up several times but it never seemed to get cleaned.  So I sat in there while they cleaned it up and put things away.  Mathew has a hard time with this because he thinks it just takes too much energy to move and put anything away even after playing with them for hours.

After cleaning up the playroom both kids picked up their rooms and then we came down and picked up the items they had gotten out the day before that they had not put away before.

Once that was done, Paige got her Multiplication book and Mathew his note book.  Paige was to practice her multiplication with her 5 minute time tests.  Mathew was to write the letters A-E as well as the numbers 1-5.  We are working on learning upper case vs lower case since he has all the upper case mastered.  We then used the letters he practiced to make words.  He wrote them the way he wanted first (all upper case) and then I had him redo them in lower case letters. Paige was just reviewing what she learned with multiplication last year so that it would be fresh in her memory for school when they start.

Once Mat came home from work, he wanted to go fishing before dinner. So we packed the kids up and walked down to the river in town.  Mat did most of the fishing.  Mathew rode his scooter and Paige took a colouring book to colour in. Mathew tried to go down to where Mat was fishing and hit one of the stinging nettle plants that made his leg welt up and of course tears fall.  Poor guy.  He was pulling at his leg like something was inside but I knew exactly what he had done and felt so bad for him.  It took him at least 5 minutes to start moving around again.  By that time, Mat had caught another fish and the swans were starting to return to the area.  One more cast in and then we were gone.  Mat hooked a fish and Mathew tried to reel it in only to snap the line.  Poor fish got away with a hook and a bobber.

Once home, we made dinner and settled in for the night.

Today, Mathew was up with the sun.  Mat had to be up by 3am so I never heard him get up but I felt a little boy come into my bed.  He kept messing with me and so I guess it was time to get up.  We went out and made the biggest pancakes ever.  He loved it.  It was bigger than his head LOL.  Paige came our soon after I got his finished and wanted the same thing so we had two huge pancakes.  The kids went to play while I did things around the house, picking up and putting things away, laundry, dishes, etc.

We had some lunch and then the guy for the Satellite came to install.  He had to drill holes and add some things to try to make it work.  Unfortunately, he was not able to make the living room TV work.  He said it was because we had an american TV and that was causing the issues we were having.  boo!!!  Once he left I messed around with the cords some.  I added an old school Red/White/ Yellow cable and POW!!  Black and White TV! HAHA.  Nothing like being back in the no color TV days again!  But hey we had sound and we have a picture.  I fudged around some more and got an even better black and white picture but no color.  Come to find out we need a converter box that takes PAL signals and turns them into NTSC signals.  More money out the door, but at least it is less that purchasing a new TV.

While the guy was installing the Satellite, the kids each completed an art project using their hands as trees and changing the colors of the leaves to show the seasons.  They each got their run at using my stickers to add some character to each of their pictures.  They did a great job.  Now I have some artwork to go in their study area!

Once Mat got home and checked out the TV, we ate dinner and we all watched Popper's Penguins of course in Black and White.  The kids went to bed quite easily tonight and so all in all we had a pretty good day with little fighting!

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