Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 11- Watch out Roundabouts- Here I come!


This Girl Passed her Driving test today!  Oh yeah.  Just two tries to do it LOL.  50 questions and I could only miss 7.  Well the first time I missed 8 and the second I missed 7. HAHA but hey  86% is passing so Ill take it!  

The weather was not so nice today so most of the day we stayed inside.  It spit rain and was a bit windy.  We packed up our luggage today as well.  Tomorrow we will be moving to the new house in Ramsey and will start trying to get things ready for Monday's delivery of the rest of our goods.  

We forgot that we will need bedding for the next couple nights until our things come so we had to run to the BX and pick up some blankets and pillows.  I planned on getting these blankets for the beds anyhow so this just made it happen a bit faster.  Paige will be the only one with all her bedding.  

Other than that, it was a pretty boring day.  Productive but not so crazy!

Oh and Mathew got his Halloween Costume.

Will post when this program is cooperating with me!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 10 - Today it had to RAIN!

BEEP BEEP BEEP...alarms goes off... Mat wakes me up... I get grumpy with him because I am still tired... and he continues to bug!  I get up.  Mathew is Up.  Mat is up... Paige is still sleeping.  Mat makes coffee and breakfast for himself and Mathew.  Looks at his watch and laughs... it was 7 am.  The alarm said 8:20 when we got up.  He announces it is 7am.  I give him the evil eye and don't speak to him.  He knows I do not do mornings.  He laughs some more and apologizes.  NOT FUNNY!!

So here is my funny for the day...

Catching a nap after he was at work an hour.  A ROUGH LIFE HE HAS!  This was the day I was up at 2am.  I did not get a nap!

After the rude wake up and Paige woke up, the housekeeper came to grabbed the trash and changed the sheets. She was here for a few minutes doing that while Mat was trying to get ahold of the delivery guys about our unaccompanied baggage.  He got ahold of them and within a few minutes they were calling letting us know they were headed through the gates for delivery.  The boxes came.  One of Mat's fishing rods was snapped at the top which he did not notice until he was packing them away into the closet for safe keeping.  So I guess he will be claiming that loss.  Once they came and left, we headed to Brandon.  We were supposed to meet the car rental guy there at 12:30 but we took many detours to get there and made it there at quarter til 1.  OOPS.  Luckily they were friendly and understood.  The truck took about 10 minutes to complete and we were out the door and on the road.

The truck needed gas so we headed to Lakenheath to fill it up.  I can't believe how large that base is!  I am glad that we have such a small one over here!  We were able to see some of the Fighters flying over which made Mathew very excited.  Mathew also found a hummer which we have not seen since leaving JBMDL.  Even though there probably much more to do there, I am glad we are where we are.  Those fighters are LOUD and we already dealt with noise day in and out in NJ!  Once we filled up, we headed to Feltwell.

We arrived at Feltwell which is about 10 minutes from Lakenheath.  The Guards at the gate were very helpful in directing us to where we needed to go. We wanted to look at getting Mattresses and that is where the furniture store is.  We pulled up to this big building and thought we were in for a treat of looking at all kinds of furniture... ummmm no... there was a line of beds on one side and on the other side of the warehouse there were couches and coffee tables.  Most of the building was just a storage warehouse where they kept all the goods.  We picked out a mattress set and box springs ( you can get 2 box springs for queen like we did for our king).  Mat and the warehouse worker loaded them into the truck and as they are doing that, it starts to rain!  REALLY???  This was not just a sprinkle and stop,  it rained from the time we put them into the back of the truck until we arrived back to Alconbury and then and only then did it decide to stop!  WEIRD!

The drive back was okay.  I jumped a few times especially when we were passing by bigger vehicles.  The Silverado takes up all the lane and when you add a similar size or bigger vehicle to the other side of the road it can get scary.  Being in the center and not having control is a bit scary to me! 

After we got back, Mat started dinner.  He got to chat with his Mom on the phone and I was able to finally chat with my dad.  I am hoping that he will soon have skype set up so we can have a weekly or bimonthly chat with them on the weekends. 

We ate a yummy dinner.  Prime Rib, I believe with a new yummy seasoning... sweet and smokey.  It is now one of my favorite.  I told Mat it would be delicious smoked on the grill!  Now to just get the grill here!

We did our nightly skype call with Megan and then the kids headed to bed. Mat and I headed to bed to watch some TV.  I chatted with Mom, Mat fell asleep and now I sit here typing my nightly log! Tomorrow we are going to be taking our test so that we can both get our licenses to continue to drive in the UK.  Let's hope we both pass with flying colors and can move on to the next step!  Mat will have plenty to do now that he has his truck and has to start getting registration all switched over!

Day 9 - Wrest Park

Today we headed out to check out some landmarks in this great country of England.  We are now the owners of English Heritage cards which will get us into many different places throughout England as well as discounts to places throughout the UK. We can take up to 6 kids each with us so nephews and nieces need to come over! It is amazing how close places like this are to us and how beautiful they can be.  This is going to be a great "vacation" for our family and for those that visit.

Here are the photos of the day...

*Wrest Park*

                              The Gardens

                 This family loved their Dogs.  There are statues throughtout the estate.

                                                    Walking towards the Archers Pavillion

                                                                   Going up..... Or Down?

                                                                      Dog Cemetary

                                                                   Children's area

Official Information about The Park from Wikipedia:  Wrest Park

Wrest Park is a country estate located near Silsoe, Bedfordshire, England. It comprises Wrest Park, a Grade I listed country house, and Wrest Park Gardens, also Grade I listed, formal gardens surrounding the mansion

The present house was built in 1834-39, to designs by its owner the Thomas de Grey, 2nd Earl de Grey, an amateur architect, the first president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, who was inspired by buildings he had seen on trips to Paris and based his house on designs published in French architectural books such as Jacques-François Blondel's Architecture Française (1752); the works were superintended as clerk of works on site by James Clephan,[1] who had been clerk of the works at the Liddell seat, Ravensworth Castle, County Durham, and had recently performed as professional amanuensis and builder for Lord Barrington, whose house, Beckett Park, Berkshire, was designed by his brother-in-law, Tom Liddell, an amateur architect.[2] Although Nikolaus Pevsner previously stated that Clephan was a French architect who designed the present house instead of De Grey the amateur architect, as Charles Read has shown in his biography of De Grey, Clephan (born Clapham) in fact only produced drawings of the service infrastructure, such as plumbing and drainage, rather than the decorative layout or features of the house, which were produced by De Grey's own hand.[3]
Wrest has some of the earliest Rococo Revival interiors in England. Reception rooms in the house are open to the public.

Wrest Park has an early eighteenth century garden, spread over 92 acres,[4] which was probably originally laid out by George London and Henry Wise for Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Kent, then modified by Capability Brown in a more informal landscape style.
The park is divided by a wide gravel central walk, continued as a long canal that leads to a Baroque style pavilion designed by Thomas Archer and completed in 1711. Boundary canals were altered to take the more natural shape by Capability Brown who worked there between 1758–60, and who also ringed the central formal area with a canal and woodland. The gardens and garden houses were mapped by John Rocquein 1735.[5] During the later 18th and 19th centuries, the Bath House, an orangery and marble fountains were added

In 2007 English Heritage took control of restoring the house and gardens with the help of the Wolfson Foundation.  The foundation pledged up to £400,000 towards the restoration of the estate to help in redoing the mansion's formal entrance area, the garden statuary, railings and gates decoration and altering the height of the carriage drive. Other work was completed including the addition of the visitors center and cafe.  On August 4, 2011 the park opened to the public.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 8... Complete

Well after waking up at 2 this morning, I am still up after 10pm.  I think I am going crazy... or at the least my body is!

Not much went on today.  Actually the kids and I did not leave the house.  I spent more of the day doing some research, for the house, a car, internet/cable/and phone/ places to visit, and more! A good job for a rainy start of the day.


    I am trying to figure out how to arrange the kids rooms.  What room do I put each of the kids in?  Mathew knows he wants one of the first rooms as you go upstairs but I do not this he cares which one.  Paige picked a room that is close to the bathroom upstairs.  But, we were thinking of giving her the room that had the bathroom attached and then making the other bathroom Mathew's to use.  Lately there has been a lot of arguments about the bathrooms.  I would like to squash this as much as possible.

  While I am trying to figure this out, we are also trying to figure out paint colours.  I want to make this home more comfortable and colourful.  I am tired of the beige and tans.  I do not want to go totally away from that but I want to add a punch of colour.  I am so up in the air as to which colour I want to have pop off the wall.  I do know that the wall I want to do it on is the wall with the fireplace.  The issue I am having is the colours already in the room.  The frames around the French doors are a cherry wood yet the crown moulding is white. So I need a colour that goes well with the warm red in the wood and the white in the crown moulding.

Internet/TV/ Phone...
   This is a stressful subject.  We found that the internet will not be the best at the house.  UGH!  We are heading back in time and have to go with a broadband connection and no cable.  Our connection speed may be 1Mbps.  Hello.... come into the times Ramsey St. Mary.  I guess that is what we get for having a house off the beaten path in a small little town.  We are still deciding who to go with for the TV.  If we go with who we HAVE to go through for Internet and Phone, we will only get a small amount of channels which consists of 1 of two channels that get American TV.  If we choose the other, we will get many of the shows that we watch and life would be good on days that we can not head outside. But the cost is more. Will we really need all the channels?  Who knows.  So do we get stuck in a plan that we might not like for 18 months or do we go with another that we know we will watch? Choices!


   Now this is hard.  I need a car.  A big car?? for groceries and maybe if people come to visit... or a smaller car which I feel would be safer.  Most of the roads I will be on are going to be country or highway.  I am going to try to stay away from driving in the wonderful towns unless I HAVE TO... until I get comfortable with just driving!  It is a hard decision and I really need to just get out there and start trying to drive on the opposite side of the road so I can test drive some cars and decide.

On top of finding a car we still need to take our driving tests.  We will probably run over here sometime this week to take that test since we have out Newcomers Orientation on the 6th of September.

Now on with the less stressful and more fun part...

Where to visit??

    There are so many places to start.  Castles, churches, villages are some starts.  September 6th through the 9th are Heritage Open House Days.  Many of the area attractions are free on certain days of the week.  I would love to be able to go to one of these during this time and get away from the hectic days of unpacking so we will see what Mat's schedule will be and then go from there.

First though we are going to schedule a visit with the school that is close to the house.  We need to get the kids into a school as soon as possible.  I do not want them missing out on many days.  I am going to start refreshing their knowledge of things this week while we can and continue until they start school.  This will be my chance to home-school them for a little bit :)

So after that research I did more research to try to find a program that we could use to get a hold of Mat's mother but I am not sure I have had any luck.  International calls cost money no matter what so maybe we will need to get a calling card so we will be able to chat.

Mat had to go into work twice.  Once in the morning to check in and the other time at 2 for some in processing things.  In between work he seemed to find some time to catch a nap fully dressed in his blues.  What a lucky guy!  He got to sleep all night long and also take a nap!

We watched a few new movies today... Mat made dinner on our tiny Charcoal grill and I was able to chat with both of my sisters... and see my brother today on Skype!  Somehow technology makes you feel like you are just down the road from everyone!

11pm now... I guess it is time for me to try to get some sleep!  Hopefully it will be a restful one!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 7 .... Loving this weather

Today is day seven here in England.  Things have been going well.  Today we got out of TLF for a bit.  It did not happen until after noon time but that is OK.  

We were going to get Lunch at Subway on base but then decided to take a detour and see if the Bowling Centre was open.  It was and so we surprised the kids with lunch there and a game of bowling.  Mat and Paige did not have socks on so I lent mine to Paige so her and Mathew could bowl while we sat in the cheering section and watched.  They both did well.  Mathew got a couple spares and Paige came very close.     Paige of course mopped a bit because she did not win but we had to remind her that her brother did not know the difference so we would not say anything.  She got over it quickly after that.  

After bowling we headed to the BX.  It is such a small place to go.  But Paige spent some time looking at the maybe 3 racks of clothes her size and finally settled on a cute little sweater dress.  We then went to the book section and she chose a book to read "Dork Diaries- How to Dork your Diary" and was satisfied with her purchases.  It is nice she can use her card here on base.  I also picked up some Melatonin so we could finally get to bed at a decent hour! 

After leaving the BX we had to get money out so that we can pay for our first months rent.  It was pretty ridiculous because it only let you get so much out of the ATM but it also only gave us 10 pounds bills.  So you can imagine how many bills we received for our payment.  

We walked back to TLF and housekeeping came and said our door latch was not working correctly.  It had been like that since we moved into here so we thought that it was just how British locks were.  Guess not!  So the Maintenance guy came and he will be back Tuesday to fix it.  At least we can shut and lock the door with it the way it is.  

We were able to chat with Rob and the girls today.  I had to download Skype in order for him to be able to see us on his IPAD... darn apple!  But it worked and so now we can keep tabs on them from here too!  Now if only I could get my SISTERS on the computer to chat with!!

Mat wanted to check out the LA Fitness place in town so he ran out there to check it out.  It was not what he thought it would be.  It was expensive and not as nice as the photos showed online.  So I guess that is out.  He will probably end up using the place in Ramsey near Abbey College.  

I was researching last night about the school where Paige and Mathew may be going and I guess in December there was an issue because the Headmistress had taken the children on an annual Birds in Flight trip.  According to the article ( ), a 10 yr girl was distraught after seeing the birds shot out of the sky.  Flight means shooting here.  The father did not know this.  He obviously is not a hunter in England.  I think Paige would enjoy taking this trip and would probably ask if she could shoot one of the birds herself.   I also mapped the school from the house and there are side walks that start at our house and go straight to the school.  Who needs a bus?  The kids and I can take a mile ride each morning if they are able to get into that school and a mile ride back to the house.  I would be okay with that!  Or I could just drop them off if it wasn't a nice day out.  

For dinner Mat and I made Pasta salad and the boys ate Sushi. The little Soy Sauce came in a little fish container.  How Cute! I think they will be OK here in England! 

Now we are relaxing and watching Transformers.  The breeze coming in the house is wonderful.  I love this weather!