Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 6- A Little Bit Of Rest

Today was Day 6 here in England.  I woke up exhausted from all the stuff we had been doing and the kids felt the same way.  All I wanted to do was rest, rest, and rest more.  Mat wanted to run from the time we got up.  I refused to get dressed so he did the morning run to the Post Office and to the store.

We are breakfast, watched some TV, ate lunch, watched more TV.  We were able to video chat with Mom, Rob, and the girls for a bit but then Mat was ready to explore.  So we all got up, got dressed, and headed out to try to find what we could closer to the house.

First stop was to find the Tesco extra... more like a super Walmart.  But I think it is more the opposite. The food here is at the forefront while the extras are minimal.  This Tesco was like a mall though.  The store is 24 hours but when you walk into the front door there are several shops throughout.  There are clothing shops, shoe shops, little kiosks, and of course little things for the kids to ride on!  The place was crazy busy so we did not go to far from the front.  We were still on a search for cases for our new phones.  These are the hardest phones to fine cases for!  I think we might end up ordering them instead of continuing our search.

When we left Tesco we headed towards the house.  We wanted to see how far away it was from the BIG store.  It calculated about a 15 minute drive.  That is perfect for us who are used to driving twice that just to get to a walmart!  We did not make it to the house though since we wanted to check out a local swimming pool for Mat to train in. The pool is located right next to the school that Paige would be going to secondary school at, Abbey College.  It is a decent place and looked kinda like the YMCA we visited in Akron.  We are not sure if we want to spend what they want us to for swimming but if it helps him, then we will.  While driving, there were several rainbows we found.  We were in the middle of thunderstorms and rain storms throughout our drive.  Paige wanted to find the end of the rainbow but I had to explain to her how the rainbows are made and that we would never be able to be at the end of it.  I think she was a bit disappointed.

We headed back towards the base and decided to find something close to there to eat for dinner.  We decided on trying Frankie & Benny's.  What a great choice.  The good was delicious.  The only thing that was bothersome was a lady with her three children ( 2 girls - one younger and one older and one younger boy) sitting in one of the booths. The lady had her hands full and you could tell she was very overwhelmed being there.  The little boy kept hitting and kicking the little girl, so she kept screaming.  Then the little boy would take the toys from her hands and more screaming.  She tried to separate them and he would go under the table and do something else.  She got to the point that she was sitting there in tears.  A lady from another table got up from the table she was sitting at with her family and sat down next to the mother and chatted with the children.  Their mum kept wiping tears away as she sat there all dishevelled.  It helped for a while to get the children to calm down but then it was time for the lady to eat and so she headed back to her table.  Her lady's husband and two children wondered back to the table after they were finished eating to talk with the children.  I am not sure what was said but I am sure they had the same conversation that we have had many times with out children about respecting our siblings.  He probably used his two as an example of how they used to bicker and now they do not as much.  I felt bad for her because she was trying to take them out and have a nice dinner but they just would not cooperate!

After dinner we headed to B&Q - a home store, to check out what they had.  Mat is itching to get paint for the new house but I want to wait until we are into the house to purchase anything.  We have enough here in our TLF to crowd it up.  Paige picked out some paint chips while Mat and Mathew walked around and looked at faucets and other things.  We now know where we need to go for different items.

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