Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 5... Bees and Roadtrip

Today we woke around 8:30am.  We all took a while to get to sleep.  I think it is time for Melatonin to become a part of our bedtime routine for a little bit.  We need to get back on a schedule and into our new sleeping patterns here or we will be walking zombies!

Mat took the housing paperwork back to the housing office.  He ordered our appliances and some furniture to be delivered to the new house as soon as we check in on the 1st.  The one thing were were confused about was a condensor dryer or a vented dryer.  The owners of  the house recommended a condensor dryer even though they have a vent for the vented one.  After a bit of research, I found that the only reason many people use the condenser tumbler was because of the ability to place it anywhere in the house without needing a vent.  Well we have a utility room and a vent so to me the less work of having to empty the tray at the bottom and deal with the gunk that might build up in there was too much of a pain so we went with the vented.

We then took a trip to Molesworth which is very well secured base.  As you pull up you see super tall fences with the barbed wire tops.  It is interesting when you pull up to the gate because there are two lanes, one for US Spec cars and the other for UK Spec cars.  We were wondering how we were going to be able to get through the gate easily with Mat's truck.   The Security guard at the gate looked at us like we were crazy when we asked if she could point us to Pass and Registration.  We needed to go there in order to get a customs form for Mat's truck.  Without the customs form, they will not release the truck so we needed to do that ASAP.  We followed the directions she tried to give to us and ended up not finding it.  Mat saw a couple girls that were Navy and asked them where to find the building. They pointed us in the right direction and we made it there.

After that we headed back to Alconbury and straight to the post office.  We first stopped at the American one to check on our mail and packages.  The three boxes I had shipped had arrived and a letter from Nana to Paige had come.  Mathew was a bit sad that his had not because he has been waiting ALL summer for a letter and had not received one.  I told Paige she needed wait until he received his before she could open hers.  It is only fair.  We headed over to the UK post office and were able to see one of their big red mailboxes.  Mat went in while we waited.  We then headed back to TLF.

Mathew was sitting at the table patiently waiting for me to warm his lunch while Paige was busy doing things and Mat was making his lunch and all of a sudden he screamed.  He looked at me with tears in his eyes and the kids of look he gave me when he got his shots, the helpless one.  We asked him what happened and automatically I knew he had gotten stung by a bee.  The bees have been staying close to our TLF doors and I thought I had seen one slip in before we had left.  I had forgotten about it until then and I am still not sure if it was a bee that had came in then or one that might have followed him in when we arrived back to TLF.  Tears welled up in his eyes and I could tell he was trying to  be strong but it hurt.  Mat pulled the stinger from his head and I gave him a cool rag to place on it.  I watched him closely for signs of an allergic reaction since Mat and Paige both do not get along with bees.  He had a small localized reaction to the area but nothing more.  Thank goodness!  One child that I might never have to worry about with bees!

One of the families we had become friends with while stationed in Tucson,AZ is stationed in Lakenheath.  They have 2 kids about the same age as ours and they called to ask if we wanted to come that way for a visit.  When we moved to NJ they moved to Italy.  We had kept in touch through pictures but had not seen each other since the boys were very little!  It was going to be good to get the kids together and allow them to play with someone else other than each other again.

On the way to their house in Brandon, we stopped at Homestore.  The home store has a lot of things like Home Depot or Lowes.  I did not see building material but it says it has it.  We also stopped at an Argos  which was really interesting.  The store had a few items there but most of the items you could purchase were done so through a catalog and a computer.  Once your order was placed and paid for through the computer, they would all you up to the desk in order to pick it up.  The final store we visited was an Auto store.  We had been searching for a GPS holder for car and had not been able to find one.  There we finally found one that hooked to the window and had two arms off of it.. one to hold the GPS  and the other to hold a phone.

We headed that way missing a turn that took us a bit longer to get to the A14.  We had to navigate through part of a town which had me clenching and closing my eyes.  I am never going to be used to sitting in the passenger seat going anywhere.  I feel like I am either on the curb or scraping by some one else's car!  One we made it to the A14 we were ok.  The traffic was constant like we had been told but we were moving.  We got off the A14 and headed through Thetford forest.  It is a very dense forest.  There were signs for animals throughout and we were just waiting to see one.  There was a bit of traffic that we had to wait through due to a bit of construction but we finally made it out of the forest and to his street.  His house number was not on the house so we were up and down the road a couple times and when we tried to call, our cell phone told us we were not in network. UGHHHH!  We were sitting outside what we though was his house and Ross's head popped up.  We made it!

The kids hit it off.  Mathew and William became quick friends and Paige and Alice were besties.  They played great together with no arguments that made life nice!  Mathew and William played outside and jumped on the trampoline while Paige and Alice played up in Alice's room.  We chatted on the couch a bit before we headed out to dinner at a local pub called Flintknappers.  The food was good but something to get used to is drinking beverages without ice.  Mat said his beer was even warm.  Not sure he will drink much here since he is used to seeing the blue mountains on his bottles.  We headed back to the house and the boys ran back and forth.  Mathew scared the girls several times on the walk by jumping out at them.  We made it back and the kids went back to playing while the adults chatted.  It was getting late and we had an hour drive back so we said our goodbyes and headed to the car.  The kids were heartbroken to have to leave.  Little Alice's face made my heart break.  She so badly wanted Paige to stay the night.  We had told them that we would plan ahead for days that they could do that.  I think both sets of kids just miss having their friends with them.

We left the drive of the house and headed down the street and what do we find... a little Muntjac Deer eating on the side of the road.  He was such a cute little guy.  The drive home was not that bad but there isn't any lighting on the roads on the highway.  You can however find some YELLOW lights that look like the bug lights in parts of the towns.  They are a bit distracting to the eyes.

We made it back and the kids quickly fell asleep in the beds.  It had been another busy but fun day!

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