Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 10 - Today it had to RAIN!

BEEP BEEP BEEP...alarms goes off... Mat wakes me up... I get grumpy with him because I am still tired... and he continues to bug!  I get up.  Mathew is Up.  Mat is up... Paige is still sleeping.  Mat makes coffee and breakfast for himself and Mathew.  Looks at his watch and laughs... it was 7 am.  The alarm said 8:20 when we got up.  He announces it is 7am.  I give him the evil eye and don't speak to him.  He knows I do not do mornings.  He laughs some more and apologizes.  NOT FUNNY!!

So here is my funny for the day...

Catching a nap after he was at work an hour.  A ROUGH LIFE HE HAS!  This was the day I was up at 2am.  I did not get a nap!

After the rude wake up and Paige woke up, the housekeeper came to grabbed the trash and changed the sheets. She was here for a few minutes doing that while Mat was trying to get ahold of the delivery guys about our unaccompanied baggage.  He got ahold of them and within a few minutes they were calling letting us know they were headed through the gates for delivery.  The boxes came.  One of Mat's fishing rods was snapped at the top which he did not notice until he was packing them away into the closet for safe keeping.  So I guess he will be claiming that loss.  Once they came and left, we headed to Brandon.  We were supposed to meet the car rental guy there at 12:30 but we took many detours to get there and made it there at quarter til 1.  OOPS.  Luckily they were friendly and understood.  The truck took about 10 minutes to complete and we were out the door and on the road.

The truck needed gas so we headed to Lakenheath to fill it up.  I can't believe how large that base is!  I am glad that we have such a small one over here!  We were able to see some of the Fighters flying over which made Mathew very excited.  Mathew also found a hummer which we have not seen since leaving JBMDL.  Even though there probably much more to do there, I am glad we are where we are.  Those fighters are LOUD and we already dealt with noise day in and out in NJ!  Once we filled up, we headed to Feltwell.

We arrived at Feltwell which is about 10 minutes from Lakenheath.  The Guards at the gate were very helpful in directing us to where we needed to go. We wanted to look at getting Mattresses and that is where the furniture store is.  We pulled up to this big building and thought we were in for a treat of looking at all kinds of furniture... ummmm no... there was a line of beds on one side and on the other side of the warehouse there were couches and coffee tables.  Most of the building was just a storage warehouse where they kept all the goods.  We picked out a mattress set and box springs ( you can get 2 box springs for queen like we did for our king).  Mat and the warehouse worker loaded them into the truck and as they are doing that, it starts to rain!  REALLY???  This was not just a sprinkle and stop,  it rained from the time we put them into the back of the truck until we arrived back to Alconbury and then and only then did it decide to stop!  WEIRD!

The drive back was okay.  I jumped a few times especially when we were passing by bigger vehicles.  The Silverado takes up all the lane and when you add a similar size or bigger vehicle to the other side of the road it can get scary.  Being in the center and not having control is a bit scary to me! 

After we got back, Mat started dinner.  He got to chat with his Mom on the phone and I was able to finally chat with my dad.  I am hoping that he will soon have skype set up so we can have a weekly or bimonthly chat with them on the weekends. 

We ate a yummy dinner.  Prime Rib, I believe with a new yummy seasoning... sweet and smokey.  It is now one of my favorite.  I told Mat it would be delicious smoked on the grill!  Now to just get the grill here!

We did our nightly skype call with Megan and then the kids headed to bed. Mat and I headed to bed to watch some TV.  I chatted with Mom, Mat fell asleep and now I sit here typing my nightly log! Tomorrow we are going to be taking our test so that we can both get our licenses to continue to drive in the UK.  Let's hope we both pass with flying colors and can move on to the next step!  Mat will have plenty to do now that he has his truck and has to start getting registration all switched over!

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